Program Listing for File ecal_util.h

Program Listing for File ecal_util.h#

Return to documentation for file (ecal/core/include/ecal/ecal_util.h)

/* ========================= eCAL LICENSE =================================
 * Copyright (C) 2016 - 2019 Continental Corporation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * ========================= eCAL LICENSE =================================

#pragma once

#include <ecal/ecal_os.h>
#include <ecal/ecal_deprecate.h>
#include <ecal/ecal_types.h>

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

namespace eCAL
  namespace Util
    ECAL_DEPRECATE_SINCE_5_10("Please use the method std::string GeteCALConfigPath() instead. This function will be removed in future eCAL versions.")
    ECAL_API std::string GeteCALHomePath();

    ECAL_API std::string GeteCALConfigPath();

    ECAL_API std::string GeteCALUserSettingsPath();

    ECAL_API std::string GeteCALLogPath();

    ECAL_API std::string GeteCALActiveIniFile();

    ECAL_DEPRECATE_SINCE_5_10("Please use the method std::string GeteCALActiveIniFile() instead. This function will be removed in future eCAL versions.")
    ECAL_API std::string GeteCALDefaultIniFile();

    ECAL_API void ShutdownProcess(const std::string& unit_name_);

    ECAL_API void ShutdownProcess(int process_id_);

    ECAL_API void ShutdownProcesses();

    ECAL_API void ShutdownCore();

    ECAL_API void EnableLoopback(bool state_);

    ECAL_API void PubShareType(bool state_);

    ECAL_API void PubShareDescription(bool state_);

    ECAL_API void GetTopics(std::unordered_map<std::string, SDataTypeInformation>& topic_info_map_);

    ECAL_API void GetTopicNames(std::vector<std::string>& topic_names_);

    ECAL_DEPRECATE_SINCE_5_13("Please use the method bool GetTopicDataTypeInformation(const std::string& topic_name_, SDataTypeInformation& topic_info_) instead. You can extract the type information from the members encoding and type of the SDataTypeInformation variable. This function will be removed in future eCAL versions.")
    ECAL_API bool GetTopicTypeName(const std::string& topic_name_, std::string& topic_type_);

    ECAL_DEPRECATE_SINCE_5_13("Please use the method bool GetTopicDataTypeInformation(const std::string& topic_name_, SDataTypeInformation& topic_info_) instead. You can extract the type information from the members encoding and type of the SDataTypeInformation variable. This function will be removed in future eCAL versions.")
    ECAL_API std::string GetTopicTypeName(const std::string& topic_name_);

    ECAL_DEPRECATE_SINCE_5_13("Please use the method bool GetTopicDataTypeInformation(const std::string& topic_name_, SDataTypeInformation& topic_info_) instead. You can extract the descriptor from the STopicInformation variable. This function will be removed in future eCAL versions.")
    ECAL_API bool GetTopicDescription(const std::string& topic_name_, std::string& topic_desc_);

    ECAL_DEPRECATE_SINCE_5_13("Please use the method bool GetTopicDataTypeInformation(const std::string& topic_name_, SDataTypeInformation& topic_info_) instead. You can extract the descriptor from the STopicInformation variable. This function will be removed in future eCAL versions.")
    ECAL_API std::string GetTopicDescription(const std::string& topic_name_);

    ECAL_API bool GetTopicDataTypeInformation(const std::string& topic_name_, SDataTypeInformation& topic_info_);

    ECAL_API void GetServices(std::map<std::tuple<std::string, std::string>, SServiceMethodInformation>& service_info_map_);

    ECAL_API void GetServiceNames(std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, std::string>>& service_method_names_);

    ECAL_API bool GetServiceTypeNames(const std::string& service_name_, const std::string& method_name_, std::string& req_type_, std::string& resp_type_);

    ECAL_API bool GetServiceDescription(const std::string& service_name_, const std::string& method_name_, std::string& req_desc_, std::string& resp_desc_);

    ECAL_DEPRECATE_SINCE_5_10("Please use the method bool GetTopicDataTypeInformation(const std::string& topic_name_, SDataTypeInformation& topic_info_) instead. You can extract the type information from the members encoding and type of the SDataTypeInformation variable. This function will be removed in future eCAL versions.")
    ECAL_API bool GetTypeName(const std::string& topic_name_, std::string& topic_type_);

    ECAL_DEPRECATE_SINCE_5_10("Please use the method bool GetTopicDataTypeInformation(const std::string& topic_name_, SDataTypeInformation& topic_info_) instead. You can extract the type information from the members encoding and type of the SDataTypeInformation variable. This function will be removed in future eCAL versions.")
    ECAL_API std::string GetTypeName(const std::string& topic_name_);

    ECAL_DEPRECATE_SINCE_5_10("Please use the method bool GetTopicDataTypeInformation(const std::string& topic_name_, SDataTypeInformation& topic_info_) instead. You can extract the descriptor from the SDataTypeInformation variable. This function will be removed in future eCAL versions.")
    ECAL_API bool GetDescription(const std::string& topic_name_, std::string& topic_desc_);

    ECAL_DEPRECATE_SINCE_5_13("Please use the method bool GetTopicDataTypeInformation(const std::string& topic_name_, SDataTypeInformation& topic_info_) instead. You can extract the descriptor from the SDataTypeInformation variable. This function will be removed in future eCAL versions.")
    ECAL_API std::string GetDescription(const std::string& topic_name_);

    ECAL_API std::pair<std::string, std::string> SplitCombinedTopicType(const std::string& combined_topic_type_);

    ECAL_API std::string CombinedTopicEncodingAndType(const std::string& topic_encoding_, const std::string& topic_type_);