eCAL 5.13.2


eCAL 5.13.2#


# Changelog

## Core:
- fixed send frequency calculation for unconnected publisher (#1608)
- removed specific locks to prevent blockage of parallel executed "Receive()" call (#1622)
- performance improvement large maps (expmap improvement) (#1626, #1631)
- improved IsPublished()/IsSubscribed() logic (#1632)

## eCAL Mon GUI:
- fixed filter function for specific Qt versions >= 5.12 and < 6 (#1591)

## eCAL Rec GUI:
- fixed "Recording" display bug (#1598)

## Language Support:
- C#: no reuse of protobuf message objects in callbacks (#1593, #1610)

## Delivery:
- added debian build for Ubuntu 24 (Noble) (#1624)

**Full changelog:**

*eCAL 5.13.2 is patch-level equivalent to eCAL 5.12.6*
