eCAL 5.3.4+3


eCAL 5.3.4+3#


eCAL 5.3 is not supported anymore. Please consider upgrading to a newer version.


eCAL v5.3.4:

fix: tcp client server handling for messages greater the 64k
fix: corrected sample namespaces
fix: used third party simpleini in eCAL core
fix: QStableSortFilterProxyModel that leads to monitor crash when closing multiple tasks
optimization: data reader performance optimization
add: samples latency_snd / latency_rec added to measure pub/sub latency and throughput
add: NPCap status dialog for ecal monitor
adapt: different static code analysis fixes
adapt: make eCAL compile on current Arch Linux.
adapt: improved windows cpack wix setup



A more recent version of eCAL 5.3 is available: eCAL 5.3.5.