eCAL 5.13 Deprecations

eCAL 5.13 Deprecations#

All API functions (C & C++) deprecated that are no longer part of the future eCAL6 API.

Deprecated header files#

  • cimpl/ecal_event_cimpl.h

  • cimpl/ecal_proto_dyn_json_subscriber_cimpl.h

  • cimpl/ecal_qos_cimpl.h

  • ecal_clang.h

  • ecal_event.h

  • ecal_eventhandle.h

  • ecal_qos.h

  • ecal_timed_cb.h

Deprecated API#

  • cimpl/ecal_callback_cimpl.h:

    enum eCAL_Subscriber_Event
      sub_event_none              = 0,
      sub_event_connected         = 1,
      sub_event_disconnected      = 2,
      sub_event_dropped           = 3,
      sub_event_timeout           = 4,         //!< deprecated, will be removed in future eCAL versions
      sub_event_corrupted         = 5,
      sub_event_update_connection = 6,
    struct SPubEventCallbackDataC
      enum eCAL_Publisher_Event  type;
      long long                  time;
      long long                  clock;
      const char*                tid;
      const char*                tname;
      const char*                tencoding;
      const char*                tdesc;
      const char*                ttype;        //!< deprecated, please use new tname + tencoding fields
    struct SSubEventCallbackDataC
      enum eCAL_Subscriber_Event type;
      long long                  time;
      long long                  clock;
      const char*                tid;
      const char*                tname;
      const char*                tencoding;
      const char*                tdesc;
      const char*                ttype;        //!< deprecated, please use new tname + tencoding fields
  • cimpl/ecal_client_cimpl.h:

    int eCAL_Client_AddResponseCallbackC(ECAL_HANDLE handle_, ResponseCallbackCT callback_, void* par_);
  • cimpl/ecal_init_cimpl.h:

    #define eCAL_Init_Publisher   0x01
    #define eCAL_Init_Subscriber  0x02
    #define eCAL_Init_Service     0x04
    #define eCAL_Init_Monitoring  0x08
    #define eCAL_Init_Logging     0x10
    #define eCAL_Init_TimeSync    0x20
    #define eCAL_Init_RPC         0x40         /*!< deprecated, will be removed in future eCAL versions */
    #define eCAL_Init_ProcessReg  0x80
  • cimpl/ecal_log_cimpl.h:

    void eCAL_Logging_StartCoreTimer();
    void eCAL_Logging_StopCoreTimer();
    void eCAL_Logging_SetCoreTime(double time_);
    double eCAL_Logging_GetCoreTime();
  • cimpl/ecal_monitoring_cimpl.h:

    int eCAL_Monitoring_PubMonitoring(int state_, const char* name_);
    int eCAL_Monitoring_PubLogging(int state_, const char* name_);
  • cimpl/ecal_process_cimpl.h:

    int eCAL_Process_GetHostID();
    float eCAL_Process_GetProcessCpuUsage();
    unsigned long eCAL_Process_GetProcessMemory();
    long long eCAL_Process_GetSClock();
    long long eCAL_Process_GetSBytes();
    long long eCAL_Process_GetWClock();
    long long eCAL_Process_GetWBytes();
    long long eCAL_Process_GetRClock();
    long long eCAL_Process_GetRBytes();
  • cimpl/ecal_publisher_cimpl.h:

    int eCAL_Pub_SetQOS(ECAL_HANDLE handle_, struct SWriterQOSC qos_);
    int eCAL_Pub_GetQOS(ECAL_HANDLE handle_, struct SWriterQOSC* qos_);
    int eCAL_Pub_SetMaxBandwidthUDP(ECAL_HANDLE handle_, long bandwidth_);
  • cimpl/ecal_server_cimpl.h:

    int eCAL_Server_AddMethodCallbackC(ECAL_HANDLE handle_, const char* method_, const char* req_type_, const char* resp_type_, MethodCallbackCT callback_, void* par_);
    int eCAL_Server_RemMethodCallbackC(ECAL_HANDLE handle_, const char* method_);
  • cimpl/ecal_subscriber_cimpl.h:

    int eCAL_Sub_SetQOS(ECAL_HANDLE handle_, struct SReaderQOSC qos_);
    int eCAL_Sub_GetQOS(ECAL_HANDLE handle_, struct SReaderQOSC* qos_);
    int eCAL_Sub_SetTimeout(ECAL_HANDLE handle_, int timeout_);
  • cimpl/ecal_tlayer_cimpl.h:

    enum eTransportLayerC
      tlayer_none       = 0,
      tlayer_udp_mc     = 1,
      tlayer_shm        = 4,
      tlayer_tcp        = 5,
      tlayer_inproc     = 42,  /*!< deprecated, whole layer will be removed in future eCAL versions */
      tlayer_all        = 255
  • cimpl/ecal_util_cimpl.h:

    int eCAL_Util_GetTypeName(const char* topic_name_, void* topic_type_, int topic_type_len_);
    int eCAL_Util_GetDescription(const char* topic_name_, void* topic_desc_, int topic_desc_len_);
  • ecal_callback.h:

    struct SPubEventCallbackData
      eCAL_Publisher_Event type;
      long long            time;
      long long            clock;
      std::string          tid;
      std::string          ttype;       //!< deprecated, please use new tdatatype field
      std::string          tdesc;       //!< deprecated, please use new tdatatype field
      SDataTypeInformation tdatatype;
    struct SSubEventCallbackData
      eCAL_Subscriber_Event type;
      long long             time;
      long long             clock;
      std::string           tid;
      std::string           ttype;       //!< deprecated, please use new tdatatype field
      std::string           tdesc;       //!< deprecated, please use new tdatatype field
      SDataTypeInformation  tdatatype;
  • ecal_log.h:

    void StartCoreTimer();
    void StopCoreTimer();
    void SetCoreTime(double time_);
    double GetCoreTime();
  • ecal_monitoring.h:

    int GetMonitoring(std::string& mon_);
    int PubMonitoring(bool state_, std::string name_ = "ecal.monitoring");
    int PubLogging(bool state_, std::string name_ = "ecal.logging");
  • ecal_process.h:

    int GetHostID();
    float GetProcessCpuUsage();
    unsigned long GetProcessMemory();
    long long GetWClock();
    long long GetWBytes();
    long long GetRClock();
    long long GetRBytes();
  • ecal_publisher.h:

    CPublisher(const std::string& topic_name_, const std::string& topic_type_, const std::string& topic_desc_ = "");
    bool Create(const std::string& topic_name_, const std::string& topic_type_, const std::string& topic_desc_ = "");
    bool SetTypeName(const std::string& topic_type_name_);
    bool SetDescription(const std::string& topic_desc_);
    bool SetQOS(const QOS::SWriterQOS& qos_);
    QOS::SWriterQOS GetQOS();
    bool SetMaxBandwidthUDP(long bandwidth_);
    std::string GetTypeName() const;
    std::string GetDescription() const;
  • ecal_subscriber.h:

    CSubscriber(const std::string& topic_name_, const std::string& topic_type_, const std::string& topic_desc_ = "");
    bool Create(const std::string& topic_name_, const std::string& topic_type_, const std::string& topic_desc_ = "");
    bool SetQOS(const QOS::SReaderQOS& qos_);
    QOS::SReaderQOS GetQOS();
    std::string GetTypeName() const;
    std::string GetDescription() const;
    bool SetTimeout(int timeout_);
  • ecal_tlayer.h:

    enum eTransportLayer
      tlayer_none       = 0,
      tlayer_udp_mc     = 1,
      tlayer_shm        = 4,
      tlayer_tcp        = 5,
      tlayer_inproc     = 42,  //!< deprecated, whole layer will be removed in future eCAL versions
      tlayer_all        = 255
    struct ECAL_API STLayer
      eSendMode sm_udp_mc;
      eSendMode sm_shm;
      eSendMode sm_inproc;  //!< deprecated, whole layer will be removed in future eCAL versions */
      eSendMode sm_tcp;
  • ecal_util.h:

    bool GetTopicTypeName(const std::string& topic_name_, std::string& topic_type_);
    std::string GetTopicTypeName(const std::string& topic_name_);
    bool GetTopicDescription(const std::string& topic_name_, std::string& topic_desc_);
    std::string GetTopicDescription(const std::string& topic_name_);
    std::string GetDescription(const std::string& topic_name_);
  • msg/capnproto/dynamic.h:

    std::string GetTypeName() const;
  • msg/capnproto/subscriber.h:

    std::string GetTypeName() const;
  • msg/protobuf/publisher.h:

    std::string GetTypeName() const;
    std::string GetDescription() const;
  • msg/string/publisher.h:

    CPublisher(const std::string& topic_name_, const std::string& topic_type_, const std::string& topic_desc_);
  • msg/publisher.h:

    CMsgPublisher(const std::string& topic_name_, const std::string& topic_type_, const std::string& topic_desc_ = "");
    bool Create(const std::string& topic_name_, const std::string& topic_type_ = "", const std::string& topic_desc_ = "");
    virtual std::string GetTypeName() const;
    virtual std::string GetDescription() const;
  • msg/subscriber.h:

    CMsgSubscriber(const std::string& topic_name_, const std::string& topic_type_ = "", const std::string& topic_desc_ = "");
    bool Create(const std::string& topic_name_, const std::string& topic_type_ = "", const std::string& topic_desc_ = "")
    virtual std::string GetTypeName() const;
    virtual std::string GetDescription() const;

Added API#

  • ecal_subscriber_cimpl.h:

    ECALC_API int eCAL_Sub_GetTypeName(ECAL_HANDLE handle_, void* buf_, int buf_len_);
    ECALC_API int eCAL_Sub_GetEncoding(ECAL_HANDLE handle_, void* buf_, int buf_len_);
  • ecal_util_cimpl.h:

    ECALC_API int eCAL_Util_GetTopicEncoding(const char* topic_name_, void* topic_encoding_, int topic_encoding_len_);
    ECALC_API int eCAL_Util_GetTopicDescription(const char* topic_name_, void* topic_desc_, int topic_desc_len_);