eCAL 5.13.3


eCAL 5.13.3#


# Changelog

## Core
- Bugfix in frequency calculator that prevents reset to 0 fps when data is still incoming (#1650, #1652)
- Zero length payload now gets transferred over shm in zero copy mode (#1688)
- Protobuf Publisher Send now returns the actual send size (#1681)

## Service
- Remove callbacks before stopping tcp protocol layer now, as it lead before to a tcp error (#1696)

## Protobuf
- Reflection now also adds complete empty submessages (#1734, #1735)

## Python
- Fix iterating over measurement (#1748, #1750, #1751)
- Fixed memory leaks in Python Wrapper (#1754, #1758)
- Fixed deadlock in call_method function for service calls in same process (#1760)

## Samples
- Several shutdown conditions fixed (#1641, #1643)
- Massive PubSub sample added (#1666)

*Full changelog can be found here:*

*eCAL 5.13.3 is patch-level equivalent to eCAL 5.12.7*
